As a COLOUR Bee you will receive your own referral dashboard which will track your direct referrals and their purchases. This information will be updated at the end of every month and any commission sales will automatically be deposited into your PayPal Account.
To be a Colour Bee you will need to create a PayPal account. It is super easy, attached is a link to help with account creation.
The monies deposited into your PayPal account are yours and can be used for direct purchases, transferred to your personal credit cards or deposited directly from your PayPal account into your
If you experience any issues with referral sales please connect with us. We will be happy to review the account and verify the purchases were made on as referral.
The funds are deposited every month, roughly 10 days after the end of the month. For example, if you friend places and order for COLOURS by Gina May 10th , the commission related to that sale will be deposited into your PayPal account by June 10th.
As a Colour Bee you will receive special promotions and gifts with purchase so commission rewards are not available on your own sales! We promise you will love the special perks you get being a Colour Bee!
We do not expect any product returns but should that happen, we will review the value and assess on an individual basis.
There is no maximum or minimum. You can share you link with anyone you like but only a hair professional can purchase COLOURS by Gina.
There is no fee, only rewards when you join Gina’s COLOUR Bees. Join today to receive special perks in addition to commission dollars.
You will need to be a COLOURS by Gina user. What better way to share the love than using the product yourself. I promise you will fall in love with the colour